
Hi, my name is Jon Zobrist. I’m an IT guy. I live in Shoreline, WA with my wonderful wife and 3 children. My website, Jon Zobrist . com is an aggregation of pages I’ve had up for a while. I love technology. Currently I am working at Amazon Elastic Load Balancing as an SRE. My links are below. I love helping companies migrate to the cloud, or use the cloud as part of their Disaster Recovery plan. I also like Continuous Integration, and Infrastructure Automation. I like to roll CFEngine for config managment, Ubuntu or Debian for an OS, .deb packages in private S3 repo for code deploy. Git, Python, Atom, Go, C, Perl, Python/again, Sublime Text/vim are the tools I prefer to use.

I’m interested in automation, cloud computing, algorithms that give you an edge, business intelligence, Computer hardware, Tablet computing, iOS, Android, Security, and the undeniable beauty of Apple hardware.

I once had a CISSP

I am a certified PADI SCUBA instructor (inactive)

Relevant Links for me are :

My website - https://jonzobrist.com/

My current employer - https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/

My antiquated ISP/Consutling biz (archived to S3) - http://www.bluesun.net/

My e-mail contact jon@jonzobrist.com

My about. - http://zerp.ly/jonzobrist

My pets

Zob in the water